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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cookies For Ipads Giving Children with autism A voice! My story

 This story will always touch me close to my heart, Its about a Momma that me and My best friend met ,Who was on a mission ,her son has autism and stopped talking. So her mission was to Provide Ipad for autistic kids , Her idea was to give them a voice. And its on fire right now, So me and my Best friend Heather got involved, we started making cookies for Cookies for ipads giving children with autism a voice!! The care and love they had for our children was amazing,
at first Heather Made the cookies ,I watched a little , I didn't make any cookies because she is the baker haha, So I donated money to cover 6 doz cookies.Next round I made pre mixed cookie dough they didn't turn out too bad from what i believe Melissa sold them .Then there was another bake off we were in, i was mixing and making my own ,if i wouldn't have added baking soda they would have been so good.Needless to say 15 dozen worth of cookie dough trashed, Heather rushed over to my house to show me how its done, so I figured it out and they were yummy =). After that bake off Heather got the word Little Jorge was a recipient and was getting his Ipad on Nov 12th we were so FREAKING happy, Even tho Matteo was not on the list yet , we are reaching our goal 1 at a time and to me it was Amazing. A few days after that Matteo was on the list for Nov 12th as well, YAY we were going together. Me and Heather have been friends for 17 yrs and counting we have always supported each other and we have the weirdest things in common, I'm glad shes my best friend and no one Else's .
The day of the ceremony Melissa had some giveaways ,Itunes cards,blankets ,shirts,bracelets ,A KITCHEN AID MIXER, there was much more there was food everywhere and cookie galore.
As we all shared tears and joy and Um food the kids were all presented. I will never forget that day, the beginning of a new journey in life!!!! Here is the video of that Day! Thank you too all those Mommas and Melissa and her Mother And everyone involved, Thank you for giving our Children a chance to have a voice.

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